Research on Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction in Medicine

How the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program May be Able to Help
A Sampling of Health Effects of Mindfulness Meditation
(For more research, see the Readings page)

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction has been documented to be extremely helpful in teaching participants to become active agents in the management of their own health, energy and healing. Twenty years of research reveals that the majority of people who complete the MBSR Program report lasting decreases in physical and psychological symptoms. Findings are as follows:

  • Significant decreases in anxiety, depression, hostility and
    the tendency to somatize
  • Significant reductions in pain and an increased
  • ability to cope with pain that may not remit
  • Increased ability to manage stress
  • Greater ability to relax
  • Enhanced self-esteem
  • Increased energy and enthusiasm for life
  • Improved ability to cope with short and long-term stress
  • Greater sense of peace and self-acceptance

The research on this is extensive. The pain studies reveal that clients with chronic pain, e.g., back pain, headaches, fibromyalgia and neck pain who learned MBSR at UMASS' MBSR clinic experienced a dramatic reduction in the average level of pain both during the eight week training period and for at least four years after treatment.

Mindfulness Meditation Changes Brain Structure in Eight Weeks

(Although Dr. Handlin is a licensed psychologist and the first person in NJ Certified to teach MBSR and has a separate psychology practice,please note that MBSR is an educational course and not psychotherapy. In addition, information contained in this document is informationaland not to be construed as medical advice. If you suspect you have medical issues, please pursue appropriate treatment.)